Previous week, we have published a list of Top 3 Jailbreaker tool that can jailbreak almost every firmware (except iOS 7, 7.0.1, 7.0.2) till the date. Many of those users who have upgraded to iOS 7 or newer one, are waiting for jailbreaking method to remove all the limitation. Here is something which is really interesting for you regarding EvasiOn development progress.
A few weeks ago Pod2g, who is one of the most active member of Evad3rs team, has tweeted a great news about iOS 7 public jailbreak on 14 September. Pod2g tweeted that they are more and more confident about EvasiOn for iOS 7 public release, but they are not sure when it will be completed. It seems like they are near to complete iOS 7.0.2 jailbreaking procedure. They have surely made all the pieces that can jailbreak this latest firmware.

Evad3rs Said EvasiOn is ready for iOS 7 Jailbreak

Recently a member from Evad3rs team, who is working to develop jailbreaking tool for iOS 7 and further newer firmware such as 7.0.1 and 7.0.2, has tweeted about the progress and updates. As per their tweet, It looks like they are working hard and very soon they will prepare working iOS 7 jailbreaker. Take a look at that tweet.
This tweet has been tweeted just a few days ago. Evad3rs team member has confirmed that they are working and they have all the pieces for jailbreak up to iOS 7.0.2 at this point. This is really good news that somebody still working hard to develop free jailbreaking tool. EvasiOn is the jailbreaking tool on which Evad3rs, Musclenerd and other members are working.
We all should note that EvasiOn was the tool which got the success in jailbreaking 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 very first.

iJailbreakPro can Jailbreak iOS 7 and Further new release

If you have already upgraded your iPhone 5 to 7.0.2 and looking for jailbreak it at anyway, then there is some good news for you. There is a tool “iJailbreakPro” that jailbreaks any iOS 7 or 7.0.2 within 5 minutes in just 3 easy steps.
Actually, I also have iPhone 5S and unfortunately to test new features, I upgraded it to iOS 7.0.2. There was no hope to download Cydia on it without jailbreak it. Luckily, iJailbreakPro does what I need. It does jailbreak and install Cydia and remove all the limit that was imposed by Apple on iOS 7 firmware.
That tool is so awesome that I have write an article on whole procedure from download iJailbreakPro to jailbreaking 7.0.2. After that I referred a lot of my readers and friends and all are happy to have jailbroken iOS from iJailbreakPro help. You simply download latest tool from their Official website and install on your Mac OS or Windows PC. It jailbreak any iOS 7 or 7.0.2 in just 3 easy steps.

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